Saturday, November 13, 2010

What a year will do.

After reading through my previous posts, it's amazing to me what difference a year can make. This time last year, I was still in classes. Now I'm teaching classes. This time last year I was unsure of my future. Now I am married to an amazing man who is a teacher like I am, we know (relatively) where we'll be for awhile, and we are so blessed to have jobs. This time last year I wondered where and when I would earn my next dollar from. Now I don't have to worry about that. :) This time last year I was spending my Saturdays writing work samples and studying for classes. Now I spend Saturdays with my husband, curled on the couch with coffee designing lesson plans and grading papers. Last year I was commuting to Newberg, now I'm commuting 3 minutes away. :) Last year I lived alone, now I have an incredible husband to come home to! God is SO good, and SO faithful. Reading through previous blogs during the journey of the last 18 months completely confirms that.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

almost there...

I feel like it was yesterday that I was starting the MAT program in June and completely moving forward in faith that this was the right path to take. Now, three months to go until graduation and totally on the downhill, I can't believe what the past seven months have brought. I just praise God daily for His provision in my life-- I don't feel like I deserve any of it! I couldn't have asked for better schools. I've had amazing experiences at all of my placements, been partnered with strong mentor teachers, and been totally blessed by the students I've gotten to know over these months. The sacrifice of time and money to be a part of this community has been 100% worth it, and I just feel really thankful to be a part of something so much bigger than my small self.

Three more months... and then hopefully a job after that. ;)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I'm thankful

... for a place I can call my own with a roof over my head, heat, hot water and cozy sheets.
... for videos of my family that I will cherish the rest of my life
... for my beautiful piano from my mom that I can play whenever I want to just let go
... that I have the opportunity to be in an amazing master's program, and pursuing my dream job
... for the wonderful people God has specifically placed in my life for different reasons
... for cozy pajamas and new slippers, hot tea and a new book
... for my best friends and my soul sisters
... for my family coming together this Thanksgiving for the first time since my mom & Chase died
... for strength and health
... for loving the simple things
... for unending memories
... for hope
... for grace
... for peace
... for hot coffee with steamed nonfat on my early, rainy mornings :)
... for the fact that I am SO richly blessed in my life and it's all because of His faithfulness

Saturday, November 14, 2009

hard seasons...

they're inevitable. This is mine. I definitely welcome it though, because I know that no matter what, the Lord is shaping my life, guiding my steps, and leading me to the paths that he has created for me. I just have to trust that no matter what is occurring in my life, it is for his greater plan and purpose if I follow his direction. And that's where I am. :) And I think it's a good thing.

I just had the opportunity to speak to a group of potential MAT program candidates about what life in the program is like, and what they should expect. I was heartfelt and honest with them about the life commitment it requires for a year, and how essentially everything that is important to you is on pause for 11 months. It's during this time that we're refined, that we determine what really is important to us, what we're passionate about, what we're willing to sacrifice, and where we want to be when this is all over. We can either give it our best, our adequate effort, or our least amount of effort, but our success will be dependent on what we we've put into it.

Despite the challenges this week has brought,, what I'm doing and sacrificing for teaching was brought into perspective when I came to my 5th grade class, stood outside the door and had a student who saw me in the hall run up to me and throw her arms around me, telling me how happy she was that I was there that day. I was greeted with their smiling faces and hugs in the morning, and it was just a simple reminder that for those reasons and so many more is why I am putting in long days, late nights, early mornings, living with limited resources and letting other things other than my faith and trust in God take a back seat until this is all over.

I have SO much to be thankful for. In everything, and every season, give thanks.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Things are [slowly] starting to turn around!

Finally I feel like I can start to take a breath. :) I'm nearing page 100 on my work sample, but as of this weekend I finished writing all of my lesson plans and was able to choose my action research topic to begin working on until I graduate. I'll be researching how and if the use of goal-setting conferences and weekly teacher/student accountability can improve the intrinsic motivation of middle school students.

With my science lesson topic chosen, my social studies lesson topic chosen, my work sample nearly finished and my action research topic chosen, I'm feeling pretty good about the work load I have left. It's still a lot, but with a lot more focus and resources to help me get where I need to be.

Oh, and I'm officially studying abroad in Vienna in May!!! :D That was by far the best news of today! I will be teaching at an International school, and leading my students on a service learning project in the city of Vienna during my time there. We'll also get to visit Prague and Salzburg while we're on the trip. :) I can't wait!! We leave the day after graduation. Talk about a busy season.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

language arts bio poem

A fun type of poetry called a "I am from..." (0r a bio poem) is a great way to connect students thinking about poetry and how it can connect with their lives. Bio poems can go any direction the students want-- from talking about their interests and hobbies, to thinking about memories or people in their lives. I wrote this one in language arts class today as I thought about my own "I am from" poem...

I am from the homeschooling years.
From sheltered stability,
mornings with my mom and sister,
and afternoons in the backyard fort.

I am from the worry-free cul de sac,
with big wheel races, skits and plays
and weekend sleepovers.

I am from a changing family.
"You'll adjust," "Meet your new siblings,"
and every-other-week suitcases.
New school, new friends,
and new first impressions.

Still from the same mom,
with the same sheltered stability.

I am from crisp fall nights,
filled with warm soups
and spiced candles.

I am from douglas firs,
Christmas on the piano,
pumpkin pies,
Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra.

I am from raising ducklings in the rainy spring,
to motorhome trips in the warm, dry summers

I am from kissing posters of JTT,
playing N'Sync on repeat,
and making videos with Tiffany
of our amazing dance moves.

I am from tradition and love,
defined non-traditionally.
I am still from,
"you'll adjust," "keep your head up,"
and "start your own path."

From these things is where I'll go.
Still missing mom's sheltered stability,
and our cozy fall evenings.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


This has been a really difficult week in a lot of ways, but I am refusing to give into the temptation to complain. :) I tried fighting off the sickness going around but it finally got me on Monday... and it hasn't been welcome. I don't remember being this sick for this long in a long time... but I think it's just a combination of stress, lack of sleep, competing priorities and the fact that I'm trying to be conservative with my heat bill in this cold weather... ;)

I finally gave in to sleeping and resting instead of feeling like I needed to do work all weekend, so I think that's helped me finally get some energy back. But it is definitely preparing me for reality-- when you have to keep working even when you're sick (ha). Most of my kids were sick last week and I really thought with all my vitamin C and water I was drinking that I could hold off.... but no such luck.

So instead of complaining, I want to be thankful. Thankful that even though my students probably passed their germs on when we were having meetings or shaking hands at the end of the day, I have a school to work in and get great experience in. Or even though I'm totally overwhelmed by multiple assignments due this weekend, at least I'm fortunate enough to be in a graduate school program and getting a degree I'm passionate about. And even though I'm feeling sick, at least I have a warm house, some soup, some tea and a nice couch to rest on in the process. Yes, I feel thankful. :)